A Guide to Living Life with Energy, Health, Vitality and Herbs
"If herbs weren't effective medicine, wouldn't a species intelligent enough to put a man on the moon have discarded them a long time ago?" - Rosemary Gladstar

Rosemary Gladstar's complete, holistic approach to well-being through herbal remedies, promotes energy, health and vitality at every stage of life. She focuses on the simple things in life - eating well, exercising, sleeping soundly, and using herbs every day.
Boost your immune system, soothe your tired eyes, moisturize your skin, or go to sleep easily - whatever you need, Rosemary Gladstar's simple, time tested, effective herbal remedies work. Her herbal apothecary is an A - Z guide to herbs, their characteristics and uses, along with safety precautions, dosage information, and when to seek medical advice.
This indipensible family herbal reference is a compilation of all the slim volumes on herbal healing published over the years by Rosemary Gladstar. By the way, this isn't one of those books you can pick up used on ebay (maybe rarely). People who own this book don't let it out of their sight! It's worth every penny of the full, new, retail price - in fact, it's one of the best bargains around.
Rosemary Gladstar has dedicated her life to the pursuit and practice of herbal knowledge, which she gives generously to others in her Family Herbal. In her own words, "What I know about herbs is shared information, passed down to me sometimes from people I know well and often from people who lived hundreds of years before me. It is our collective treasury, our birthright, and it is meant to be freely shared"
After you read Family Herbal, you'll naturally want to stock up on supplies to make your own herbal potions. Two of the best places to find them online are:
Frontier Herbs
Mountain Rose Herbs
Judith Kingsbury, Savvy Vegetarian