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Savvy Vegetarian

Savvy Vegetarian

Support For Your Vegetarian or Vegan Diet & Lifestyle

Vegetarian Cooking, Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes, Savvy Vegetarian Advice, Vegetarian Blog, Articles, Reports, and Resources

Savvy Veg Is For Everyone - long-time vegetarians and vegans, transitional vegetarians, or just thinking about going vegetarian.

Planet Earth

No matter where you are in the vegetarian universe, you can be happy, healthy - and green

It's True! If more of us went vegetarian, our planet would be happier, healthier, and greener faster.

Fact Is: Any step in a vegetarian direction is good for you, and every living thing on the planet!

Go Veg! Save the Planet!

Try SV's mostly vegan recipes, including tasty tofu, and quinoa

Find vegetarian cooking tips, how to's & techniques, including How To Use A Chef's Knife

Browse SV Articles on vegetarian diet, nutrition, green living, organic, non-gmo, sustainable

Get savvy vegetarian advice on going veg, health & nutrition, weight loss, lifestyle & relationships

Visit SV Blog for green veggie news and commentary on everything veg

SV Resource Guide for the best of green, alternative, organic, sustainable

Free Reports on beans without gas, going veg, etiquette, veg nutrition, veg with non-veg


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